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Essay Contest Winners

Sophie Larue
Winner, Master's Essay 2022-2023
Necrophiles Aren’t Supposed to Be Blond and Pretty, Let Alone Female: The Representation of Sexual Deviance and Gender Dynamics in “We So Seldom Look on Love” and Kissed
Alexandre Tousignant
Winner, Undergraduate Essay 2022-2023
Excellence in Academic Writing
The Self and the World in The Lord of the Rings

Emmanuel Grenon
Winner, Undergraduate Essay 2022-2023
Creativity in Academic Writing
Challenging Japan’s Traditionalism in Mieko Kawakami’s Breasts and Eggs
Congratulations to Our Past Winners
Master's Winners, 2021-2022 edition:
Undergraduate Winners, 2021-2022 edition:
Undergraduate Winners, 2020-2021 edition:

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