Here you will find a log of all upcoming, ongoing or past events and contests.

Essay Contest
The Association des Étudiants et Étudiantes Gradués en Littérature d’Expression Anglaise (AÉGLEA) of Laval University holds a yearly essay writing contest, with categories for undergraduate and graduate students.
The deadline for submissions to the 2024-2025 edition is
March 28, 2025, with winners announced at the Take 10 event the following April.
Submissions and questions can be sent to For more information on this year's edition, find a full explanation of the rules and regulations in the following PDF.
Visit this page to view the winners and their essays from previous editions of the contest. We would like to thank all participants for their contribution to the success of the contests. We are looking forward to many more editions in the future

Graduate Conference 2024
The AÉGLEA is planning its third bi-annual graduate conference for Friday, March 15 and Saturday, March 16, titled (Re)Tracing Self, World, and Agency in Narratives of Transformation. Find the details here and visit back soon for more information.

Graduate Conference 2022
On April 1st 2022, the AÉGLEA hosted its bi-annual graduate conference for the second time, titled As I looked, There Was a Pale Horse: Narratives of Catastrophe. Visit this link to see the program, call for papers and other details.
Graduate Conference 2019
The AÉGLEA hosted its very own conference for the first time in March 2019 and it was a great success, drawing in contributors from as far as Alberta. Visit this link to see that year's conference website.For information on the upcoming graduate conferences, click here or go to the menu, under events.