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Meet The Team


Your President

Myriam Bowles-Carrier

Your current president is a second-year master's student.

The president chairs executive meetings and General Assemblies. They also serve as coordinator and organizer of AÉGLEA events.


Your Vice-President

Renée-Loup Caron

Your current vice-president is a first-year master's student

The vice-president is the right hand of the president. They are responsible for managing the association budget and maintaining communication with ES undergrads.


Your Secretary

Sophie Larue

Your current secretary is a second-year master's student.

The secretary is responsible for keeping track of the association's finances  and fulfilling logistical tasks related to the association's events. 


PHD Representative

Carrie-Lynn Evans


Your current PhD representative researches the intersection of technology and culture in contemporary American science fiction.

The PhD representative is responsible for representing the interests and needs of PhD students across all of the associations decisions. 

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